5 kgf
2 Nm
50 V
55 A
Up to 80 Hz
Control your stand manually or automatically
Your thrust stand comes with this quality open-source software.
Step test
Ramp test
Endurance test
Determine motor Kv
Calculate motor poles
+ More
"We recently got ahold of our series 1585. The stand and associated software package is as close to plug-and-play as I've seen in the motor-testing world, and we've been really liking the data we've been able to get."
-Noah Brooks, Head of Engineering
Our Windshapers are perfect for testing drones and propellers. Explore the different shapes, sizes and customizations:
The Series 1585 comes with everything you need for your tests: the hardware, load cells, motor mounting plate, calibration kit, screws, tools and electrical components.
With the Series 1585 Thrust Stand