2025-01-27 - v2.2.0
- Firmware v1.1.0
- Improved diagnostic tools
- Stability improvements
- Large number of bugfixes
2024-11-19 - v2.1.0
- Added propeller balancing feature.
- Input transformations can be tared.
- Added --port command line to customize the internal port being used.
- Removed license requirement for input transformations feature.
- Fixed missing throttle values in some recorded tests.
- Major framework updates
- Various bugfixes.
2024-06-25 - v2.0.1
- Added firmware repair utility.
- Supports loading of Tyto Robotics sensor calibrations.
- Fixed bug where sometimes there was an incorrectly calculated power and efficiency in CSV files.
- Supports upcoming GMU hardware.
2024-04-15 - v2.0.0
- Input transformations feature: connect any third-party analog sensors.
- Accelerometer sensor's update rate increased from 50 Hz to 800 Hz.
- Several bug fixes and improvements.
2024-01-09 - v1.9.8
- Upgraded Electron framework for latest stability and performance improvements.
- Bug fixes and translation improvements.
- Real-time plots layout set by the user is now remembered.
- Added links to database and YouTube tutorials.
- Fixed bug where derived (power/efficiency) measurements showed unfiltered, noisy values.
- We can now have negative power and efficiency values.
2023-11-02 - v1.9.5
- Supports sensing hardware supply voltage, for hardware that supports it.
- Added ability to rename custom hardware added through the API.
- Bugfixes
2023-07-27 - v1.9.3
- Small display bug fixes
- External hardware added from the API can have a custom name, useful for CANbus Cyphal UAVCAN and other external devices.
2023-05-26 - v1.9.2
- Support for remote control of the software. See the documentation here.
- Support headless mode (runs without the user interface displayed) to help with cross-platform and automation applications.
2023-05-08 - v1.9.0
- Automatic control UX improvements
- Chinese translation out of beta
- Added license key manager for premium features
- New API commands allowing users to interface with external hardware, such as CANbus ESCs or custom sensors
2023-03-20 - v1.8.2
- Hotfix to solve a display bug in the last version
- Removed "Consider taring sensors" message
2023-03-16 - v1.8.1
- Multipowertrains support (up to 8 simultaneous powertrains)
- Chinese translation available (beta)
- Bug fixes, performance and stability improvements
2022-11-11 - v1.7.6
- French translation available
- Supports the upcoming FS150
- Supports the new Flight Stand API
- Bug fixes
2022-10-08 - v1.7.2
- Loading and exporting recorded tests is much faster.
- User data is not erased with future software updates
- Data preview and CSV export now uses relative timestamps instead of absolute timestamps.
- Bug fixes and safety improvements
2022-09-27 - v1.7.0
- Major rework of the automatic control feature
- Continuous recording button is more visible
- Fixed simulated board safety limits
- CSV exports weird characters in the header when opening in external software (due to UTF8 flag missing)
- File paths for recorded tests now visible in debug mode. Allows users to go to that folder, zip the content, and send it to a colleague.
- When clicking on the hardware or on a powertrain on the left panel, the correct tab is now selected.
- Prevent users from adding the same mapping twice.
- Some visual improvements, added some icons, better spacing, etc...
2022-08-23 - v1.6.3
- Fixes issues with inacurrate powertrain measurements
- Fixed timeout errors while tests are loaded
- Tweaked a lot of front-end to look better
- Tests are easier to view
- Fixed several bugs causing a crash
- More test data shown in less space
- Now the LPF slider is smaller and only shows when user selects "continuous data"
- Added file paths in debug mode, so we can migrate tests data and config files if needed
- Flight Stand now remembers output and sensor settings
- Safety limits reworked to fix bugs. They can now be set and disabled individually.
- Front-end restructuring to better support coaxial and better support single-display users
2022-06-28 - v1.5.7
- Automatic control feature available in Beta
Changelog for older versions not available.